Join NPSNM or Renew Your Membership

The Native Plant Society of New Mexico (NPSNM) is the only non-profit organization dedicated primarily to the conservation, appreciation, and understanding of the native flora of New Mexico — the support of all our wildlife and watersheds, the foundation of our “enchanting” natural landscapes, and a cornerstone of our history and traditional cultures. Restoring native plant habitat is vital to sustaining biodiversity.

The Society and its local chapters work to educate its members and the public and enable them to experience the wonder and importance of New Mexico’s green heritage so that future generations may enjoy it. Membership is open to any interested person or family. Members have a wide range of interests,including  botany, gardening, landscaping, photography, birding, herbalism, and hiking, just to name a few.  Come and find kindred spirits!


Membership Benefits

There is strength in numbers, and we greatly value every new and continuing member. Membership in NPSNM is not a product one buys but a gift you can offer to the environment, yourcommunity, and to the future. Your dues allow us to provide educational presentations and experiences free to the public, to monitor and advise government land management agencies, to provide modest grants for plant conservation and education projects, and to promote the use of native plants in gardens and in support of pollinators, birds and other wildlife.

In addition to the satisfaction of contributing to the conservation of New Mexico’s native flora, members benefit from local chapter events, field trips, an annual conference, and four issues of the Newsletter each year. Members can often get first choice at plant sales and seed exchanges, purchase books and posters free of tax or shipping charges, discounted statewide conference registrations, memberships on request to certain Google and Facebook groups, and always have an awesome and friendly network of knowledgeable botanists, gardeners, naturalists, and people like you.

NPSNM is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a New Mexico registered charity. Membership is not transferrable and has no monetary value;therefore, all donations are tax-deductible to the extent current law allows.

Use the form below to join or renew your membership online. You do not need to log into a PayPal account if you don’t have one already — just choose “Pay with credit card” or “Pay as Guest” when you see that choice.


Member Levels
Chapter Affiliation

If you prefer to join or renew with a personal check you may print out this APPLICATION and send it with your check, made out to NPSNM, to: Native Plant Society of New Mexico, PO Box 35388, Albuquerque, NM 87176.