Chihuahuan Desert Garden, January 18. 2025

On a brisk January 18, 2025, Wynn Anderson hosted Las Cruces Chapter members at UTEP's Chihuahuan Desert Garden. What a treat, what a privilege! In 1999, Wynn imagined, designed, secured funding, oversaw construction, and began planting the Garden. Populated by 400 (or so) plant species endemic to the Chihuahua Desert and bordering eco systems, the Garden is wholly supported and maintained by volunteer labor and semiannual plant sales. A local and regional landmark, Wynn's Garden was praised by the exterior designer of the National Museum of the American Indian as "one of the finest small gardens in the country". As trees, shrubs, forbs, cacti, succulents awaken from winter dormancy, their diversity, colors, and inclusion will delight visitors throughout the coming year.

Photos from left to right: Hartweg’s sundrops (Oenothera hartwegii); participants viewing the garden; Wynn Anderson and Rich Spellenberg, plant hunting partners; and Texas Guaiacum (Guaiacum angustifolia) from southwest Texas.

All photos courtesy of Gordon Berman.