Forty Years of Change in the Sunflower Bee Community in the Southwestern United States
On Wednesday November 1st at 7:00 p.m. at the NM Museum of Natural History, the public is invited to a program on an historical ecology study of pollinators (bees)…
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Wooing Native Bees
The Santa Fe Chapter of the Native Plant Society of New Mexico presents a free talk at Christ Lutheran Church on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 6:30 pm by Dr….
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Spruce-fir: A different kind of forest
Toby Gass, USFS, retired, will discuss the forests of Engelmann spruce and sub-alpine fir that cover the higher elevations of the Sangre de Cristos. The ecology of these forests differs…
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Fire Induced Changes to Native Plants, Process, and Ecosystems in SW Dry-Conifer Forests
The Santa Fe Chapter of the Native Plant Society of New Mexico presents a free talk at Christ Lutheran Church by Collin Haffey. Collin Haffey is an Ecologist at the USGS New…
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Field Trip to White Sands Missile Range
Leader: Dave Anderson Meet at the entrance to the Small Missile Range at 8:30 am. Please RSVP with your name to Jennifer Gruger at 505 – 710 – 2924 or…
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Otero County Fair
More information can be found here: http://www.oterofair.com/events.html We need help, as every year. Time slots are as follows: Thursday Aug. 17, Friday Aug. 18,…
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Field Trip to Osha Trail
Meet at 8 am at SW corner of N. Florida and Hwy 82. Bring hiking shoes, lunch, rain gear.
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Field Trip to the Santa Fe Ski Basin
Lead: Bob Sivinski We will leave at 9:00 AM carpooling from the Sprouts parking lot in the DeVargas Mall. We will be back in Santa Fe probably around…
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Field Trip to San Gregoria Lake
Chick Keller will lead a trip to field trip to San Gregoria Lake, in the San Pedro Parks Wilderness area. We will meet in Los Alamos at
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