Hummingbirds: Past, Present and Future
Dr. Christopher Witt, UNM Associate Professor of Biology and Director and Curator of Birds at the Museum of Southwestern Biology at UNM, will discuss the evolutionary history of hummingbirds and the present-day…
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Field Trip to El Malpais- El Calderon
Leader Pam McBride. Pam McBride, leader. We will look for the cinder phacelia (Phacelia serrata) on the El Calderon trail, a 3.8 mile loop, approximately 100 miles one way from Albuquerque….
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Field Trip to Magdalena Mts., Timber Ridge Field Trip
Leader George Miller. Timber Ridge at 10,000-feet at the head of Water Canyon in the mountains south of Socorro yielded 40 species of flowers last time, so let’s try it…
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New Mexico Bats and Their Bacteria: Landscape Complexity and Plant Diversity as Drivers
Post-doctoral UNM Biologist Ara Winter tells us about how changes in the bacteria populations on bats are driven by the bats’ local habitat. The bacteria populations in bats are…
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Bandelier flower walk
Leader Charles Keller. Exact trail TBA as the season and moisture dictate. Meet Far North Shopping Center at San Mateo NE and Academy, Albuquerque. Park near Wienerschnitzel at
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Field Trip to Sandia Mts. 10K Trail (CANCELLED)
This field trip has been cancelled.
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Kasha-Kutuwe Tent Rocks National Monument (CANCELLED)
This field trip has been cancelled.
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