Whitfield Wildlife Conservation Area
Ted Hodaba and Don Heinz, leaders. ABQ Meeting place Saver’s parking lot) on Carlisle on NE side of Carlisle/Menaul intersection at 8 am. Park behind Mattress Firm in SW corner…
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Can Agriculture and Conservation Co-Exist? What the term “Organic” Actually Protects
We all hear that we should buy organic food to protect the environment. But as the organic sector grows with larger farms, what is really required to be organic?…
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Field Trip to Ojito Wilderness Hoodoo Trail
Leader Lenore Goodell. 8am-4 pm. Our route mainly follows the northern edge of the Bernalillo Mesa to some large hoodoos and Ponderosa pine trees. The landscape has dramatic color with…
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Insects (You Never Heard of) on Native Plants (You Know So Well)
Dr. Carol Sutherland, Extension Entomologist at New Mexico State University and State Entomologist, New Mexico Department of Agriculture, has identified thousands of New Mexico’s insects for multitudes of clients…
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Field Trip to Cerrillos Hills State Park
Leader Kerry Calhoun. Cerrillos Hills State Park is located off of Highway 14 just north of Madrid. The elevation range is from 5,800 to 6,100 ft. The park features 1,100…
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Field Trip to Rio Grande Nature Center Stroll
Enjoy the festivities and speakers at the annual Nature Center Herbfest. Meet at 9 am in the parking lot for a tour of the native plant demonstration garden, and…
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Overnight White Sands Missile Range Field Trip
Leader Dave Anderson. We will travel through the Tularosa Basin to Humbrillo Canyon in the San Andres Mountains, ending up on top of Victorio Peak (5,500 feet), named after…
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Native Plant Island Workshop
Santa Ana Native Plants manager Mike Halverson demonstrates the art of land reclamation through the development of native plant islands. Santa Ana Native Plants (Santa Ana Nursery), 2 Dove…
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Native Plant Islands and Other Plant Propagation Projects by Santa Ana Native Plants (Santa Ana Nursery)
Santa Ana Native Plants manager Mike Halverson discusses mass propagation for reclamation purposes on national park unit lands. These strategies vary depending upon conditions, but one such situation involves…
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Sunday Field Trip. U-Mound at Copper/Tramway
Leader: Tom Stewart. Meet at 9:00 am at the eastern end of Copper NE. If trailhead parking is full, park curbside on Copper. We will circle and walk part way…
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