Otero June Field Trip: Bluff Springs

The Otero (Alamogordo) chapter is conducting a field trip to Bluff Springs, Sacramento Mountains on June 22.

Meet at 9 AM at the junction of Highway 82 and North Florida Ave. to carpool in high-clearance vehicles. Bring lunch.

There is a partially developed picnic and dispersed camping area nestled next to the waterfalls called Bluff Springs. A short trail just beyond the bridge goes up and over the waterfalls as well as another trail (Willie White Spur T112) that follows an old railroad grade to the east.

For field trip information, contact Elva Osterreich, echoofthedesert [at] gmail.com, 575/443-4408; or Jen Gruger, jengruger [at] gmail.com, 575/710-2924.

2019-06-22 09:00 2019-06-22 09:00 America/Denver Otero June Field Trip: Bluff Springs

The Otero (Alamogordo) chapter is conducting a field trip to Bluff Springs, Sacramento Mountains on June 22. Meet at 9 AM at the junction of Highway 82 and North Florida Ave. to carpool in high-clearance vehicles. Bring lunch. There is a partially developed picnic and dispersed camping area nestled next to the waterfalls called Bluff […]
