Join Beth Luck and the Gila Chapter for a Zoom presentation on Peniocereus greggii, a state-endangered cactus found in four southwestern New Mexico counties. Ecological characteristics that will be discussed include its habitat, plant associations, flowering, and its ability to die and resurrect itself.
Chapter members will receive a Zoom link by email. Any others interested may request a link from gilanative [at] gmail [dot] com. All are welcome.
For more information, please visit the Gila NPS website at
Join Beth Luck and the Gila Chapter for a Zoom presentation on Peniocereus greggii, a state-endangered cactus found in four southwestern New Mexico counties. Ecological characteristics that will be discussed include its habitat, plant associations, flowering, and its ability to die and resurrect itself. Chapter members will receive a Zoom link by email. Any others […]