July 1 online: Insects in Decline: Why it matters and what we must do about it.

Insect conservationist Anna Walker, who works as the Species Survival Officer for Invertebrate Pollinators at the Albuquerque BioPark, discusses the evidence that insects are in decline and demonstrates why it matters. She will walk us through the current understanding of the plight of insects around the globe, with an emphasis on pollinators, and will help us imagine how our lives would be diminished without these tiny creatures sustaining and enriching our lives. Anna will also highlight what the Albu. querque BioPark is doing in partnership with the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) to mitigate these declines.

Members of this Native Plant Society Chapter who have supplied email addresses will receive a secure link to the meeting by email..However, non-members are also welcome to join our Zoom meeting. Simply forward the invitation to an interested non-member. Or have the non-member ask Jim McGrath (sedges@swcp.com or 505-697-1287) for the invitation link.

2020-07-01 19:00 2020-07-01 20:30 America/Denver July 1 online: Insects in Decline: Why it matters and what we must do about it.

Insect conservationist Anna Walker, who works as the Species Survival Officer for Invertebrate Pollinators at the Albuquerque BioPark, discusses the evidence that insects are in decline and demonstrates why it matters. She will walk us through the current understanding of the plight of insects around the globe, with an emphasis on pollinators, and will help […]
