June 3 online presentation: “Best Wildflower Hikes of New Mexico” (click here for information)

Join us in a virtual meeting Wednesday evening, June 3, at 6pm featuring conservation photographer and naturalist Christina Selby, who we had booked last winter to speak in person.  But now, from the comfort of her home in Santa Fe, via Zoom, she will introduce her new book,  “Best Wildflower Hikes of New Mexico,” and take us on a photographic journey through New Mexico to see the glory of our native flowers in bloom.
Link for the Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83464666521?pwd=U1YwUTc5K3dNZ29haHE2dk5ZckJXdz09
If you haven’t already used Zoom you will be prompted to download it  (best to join in a few minutes before to allow time for this). We strongly recommend that you do this download before the meeting – just go to Zoom.usa. Youwill be asked for a name but no other personal information. And you can use a nickname if you wish to remain anonymous.
2020-06-03 18:00 2020-06-03 19:30 America/Denver June 3 online presentation: “Best Wildflower Hikes of New Mexico” (click here for information)

Join us in a virtual meeting Wednesday evening, June 3, at 6pm featuring conservation photographer and naturalist Christina Selby, who we had booked last winter to speak in person.  But now, from the comfort of her home in Santa Fe, via Zoom, she will introduce her new book,  “Best Wildflower Hikes of New Mexico,” and take us on a […]
