Taos March Meeting: “Taos Land Trust and Rio Fernando Park: What’s Going On?”

The March 20 meeting of the Taos Chapter will focus on the Ecological Restoration Projects at Rio Fernando Park. Ben Wright and Juniper Manley of the Taos Land Trust will discuss the restoration and monitoring plans, the funding for the projects, and the diverse groups of Taos Land Trust staff and interns, contractors, youth crews, students, and community volunteers that have participated in the projects over the last 3 years.

Meetings are held 6-7:30 PM on 3rd Wednesdays in the Kit Carson Electric Cooperative boardroom, 118 Cruz Alta Rd. All meetings are free and open to the public. Please join us and bring your friends! Feel free to contact us at TaosNPS@gmail.com with any questions.

2019-03-20 18:00 2019-03-20 20:00 America/Denver Taos March Meeting: “Taos Land Trust and Rio Fernando Park: What’s Going On?”

The March 20 meeting of the Taos Chapter will focus on the Ecological Restoration Projects at Rio Fernando Park. Ben Wright and Juniper Manley of the Taos Land Trust will discuss the restoration and monitoring plans, the funding for the projects, and the diverse groups of Taos Land Trust staff and interns, contractors, youth crews, […]
