Meet at the entrance to the park, at the East end of First Street in Alamogordo. We will discuss the different animals we might see and their interaction with the plants on the walk as we watch the sun set over Alamogordo.
For workshop and field trip information, e-mail or call Elva Osterreich, echoofthedesert [at] gmail [dot] com, (575) 443-4408, or Jennifer Gruger, jengruger [at] gmail [dot] com, (505) 710-2924. More information will be available by the beginning of the month.
Meet at the entrance to the park, at the East end of First Street in Alamogordo. We will discuss the different animals we might see and their interaction with the plants on the walk as we watch the sun set over Alamogordo. For workshop and field trip information, e-mail or call Elva Osterreich, echoofthedesert [at] […]