The Montana Native Plant Society has extended an invitation to the NPSNM to join a special presentation: “The Whitebark Pine Story; from thriving keystone to proposed ESA listing” with Dr. Diana Tomback.
The Whitebark Pine is one of Montana’s most-treasured species. Dr. Tomback will share with us the ‘big picture’ about this timberline tree, ranging from the biology of the Clark’s Nutcracker to this month’s politics.
Dr. Diana Tomback is a Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Colorado-Denver. She is an ecologist specializing in the population biology of bird-dispersed pines and their corvid dispersers, and the conservation and restoration of five-needle white pines in western North America. Dr. Tomback is the organizer and lead editor of the book Whitebark Pine Communities: Ecology and Restoration, a founder of the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation, previous volunteer Director of the foundation, and the science lead in the National Whitebark Pine Restoration Plan.
This non-technical presentation will be carried via Zoom, starting at 7:00 p.m. MST on Tuesday evening, February 9. A few minutes before that, “join” the meeting from your browser by clicking on the link below:
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The Montana Native Plant Society has extended an invitation to the NPSNM to join a special presentation: “The Whitebark Pine Story; from thriving keystone to proposed ESA listing” with Dr. Diana Tomback. The Whitebark Pine is one of Montana’s most-treasured species. Dr. Tomback will share with us the ‘big picture’ about this timberline tree, ranging […]