Wednesday, April 15: Christina Selby, Best Wildflower Hikes in New Mexico via Zoom. Click for details.

Christina Selby author of the recent book: Best Wildflower Hikes in New Mexico will be discussing her book and showing us a PowerPoint via Zoom. Beautiful photos in store!

To participate: There is no charge or commitment required for you to participate using Zoom, and you can join or leave the meeting at any time. Have your computer sound turned on. We recommend logging in several minutes before the meeting is scheduled to begin: click the link below, and the Zoom application will take a few moments to download to your computer. Enter your name (or an alias name)  the Meeting ID number and password when  requested. Also click “Computer Audio” and “Computer Video” if asked.

Link to Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 793 013 943
Password: 594323

For best results, when the meeting window is open on your computer screen, check to make sure your Microphone icon is muted (shows a slash) or there could be feedback for everyone. And if all you see is a whole page of other participants names and pictures, click on “Speaker View” rather than Gallery View. Click on “Chat” and type when questions or comments are invited, or the host may invite one person at a time to unmute their microphone.


2020-04-15 16:30 2020-04-15 18:30 America/Denver Wednesday, April 15: Christina Selby, Best Wildflower Hikes in New Mexico via Zoom. Click for details.

Christina Selby author of the recent book: Best Wildflower Hikes in New Mexico will be discussing her book and showing us a PowerPoint via Zoom. Beautiful photos in store! To participate: There is no charge or commitment required for you to participate using Zoom, and you can join or leave the meeting at any time. Have your computer […]