Wednesday, April 6 at 6:00 P.M.: Zoom presentation with Dr. Richard Ford: “Exciting Plant Remains from Two Sites in Tijeras Canyon, east of Albuquerque.”

This talk will report on a paleoethnobotanical project he has been working on covering economic plants and the reasons for their dispersal on these sites.

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Dr. Richard Ford, Ethnobotanist, had a long and distinguished teaching career at the University of Michigan in anthropology and botany.  Dick Ford is one of the world’s preeminent ethnobotanists. Over his career as ethnologist, archaeologist, cultural ecologist, and botanist, he has made immense contributions to our understanding of the ways in which Native peoples of North America managed and utilized plants as foods, medicines, and cultural symbols.

2022-04-06 18:00 2022-04-06 19:30 America/Denver Wednesday, April 6 at 6:00 P.M.: Zoom presentation with Dr. Richard Ford: “Exciting Plant Remains from Two Sites in Tijeras Canyon, east of Albuquerque.”

This talk will report on a paleoethnobotanical project he has been working on covering economic plants and the reasons for their dispersal on these sites. Click here to join us on Zoom: Dr. Richard Ford, Ethnobotanist, had a long and distinguished teaching career at the University of Michigan in anthropology and botany.  Dick Ford is one of the […]