Collin Haffey of the Rio Grande Water Fund will describe the work of this public-private partnership. The Fund supports a 20-year program to restore 600,000 acres of forests that have experienced or are at risk of extreme fire. By creating healthy forests, we are protecting New Mexico’s water supply, economy, and way of life for current and future generations. Projects include including thinning overgrown forests, managing fire, restoring wetlands and streams, educating youth, providing research to policymakers, and creating forestry and wood products jobs. The presentation will focus on restoration work in the Las Conchas fire area, including tree planting efforts. For an interesting introduction view the following lecture by Dr. Owen Burney of NMSU on his work in Mora NM to develop seedlings and planting methods to restore Ponderosa pine forest. Link will be posted on this page soon.
A Zoom link will be e-mailed to chapter members prior to the meeting. For more information, or to register for the meeting, contact Sara Keeney at skeeney [at]
Collin Haffey of the Rio Grande Water Fund will describe the work of this public-private partnership. The Fund supports a 20-year program to restore 600,000 acres of forests that have experienced or are at risk of extreme fire. By creating healthy forests, we are protecting New Mexico’s water supply, economy, and way of life for […]