In lieu of our traditional in-person election and potluck gathering for the holiday season, the chapter will elect officers for 2021 using Zoom online. Chapter members will receive a link to join the meeting.
After the brief business of the election, Pam McBride and George Miller will present photos and comments on the flowering plants we found this year in the area of the Florida Mountains (“Flo-ree-da”), Luna County, New Mexico. Non-members wishing to see this part of the meeting may request a link to the meeting from Jim McGrath at sedges “at”
In lieu of our traditional in-person election and potluck gathering for the holiday season, the chapter will elect officers for 2021 using Zoom online. Chapter members will receive a link to join the meeting. After the brief business of the election, Pam McBride and George Miller will present photos and comments on the flowering plants […]