Marisa Mancillas and Justin Lopez, NMSU grad students, will present Marisa’s graduate student research investigating biogeographic shifts among plant species in association with climate change along elevation gradients in the Organ Mountains of Las Cruces, New Mexico. They will share exciting discoveries from archival data sources, preliminary results, and future directions.
Marisa Mancillas is a field botanist interested in the ecology of rangelands and prairie ecosystems. She has worked in 10 Western U.S. States on wetland mitigation, reclamation, and restoration sites. Additionally, she has managed field botany crews for endangered species, invasive species, and rangeland surveys.
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Marisa Mancillas and Justin Lopez, NMSU grad students, will present Marisa’s graduate student research investigating biogeographic shifts among plant species in association with climate change along elevation gradients in the Organ Mountains of Las Cruces, New Mexico. They will share exciting discoveries from archival data sources, preliminary results, and future directions. Marisa Mancillas is a field botanist interested in […]