Allyson Siwik, Executive Director of the Gila Resources Information Project, will tell us about a New Mexico ecological treasure: flowing out of America’s first Wilderness Area, the Gila River is New Mexico’s last major undammed river.
Seven threatened or endangered animal species are supported by the Gila’s cottonwood-willow-sycamore forests. These forests are some of the largest intact riparian bosques in the Lower Colorado River Basin—characterized by their rich diversity of plant species. Given its outstanding natural, cultural, and recreational values, the Gila River is proposed for long-term protection under the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act.
But the Gila has long been threatened by water developments that would significantly alter the river’s natural flow, affecting the river’s flora and fauna. Allyson will describe work by conservationists to defeat four proposals to dam or divert the Gila. And now climate change is impacting the long-term resiliency of the river. How can we maintain and improve the health of the Gila River’s riparian ecosystem?
Meet in-person or on Zoom:
In-person: UNM Continuing Ed Building, Room C, 7:00 PM (1634 University Blvd NE) Masks are optional. Food and drink are welcome.
Zoom: You can join NPSNM’s Zoom Meeting by computer or phone after 6:50 p.m.:
Topic: Protecting New Mexico’s Last Wild River
Time: Jul 6, 2022 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 6179 4988
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Allyson Siwik, Executive Director of the Gila Resources Information Project, will tell us about a New Mexico ecological treasure: flowing out of America’s first Wilderness Area, the Gila River is New Mexico’s last major undammed river. Seven threatened or endangered animal species are supported by the Gila’s cottonwood-willow-sycamore forests. These forests are some of the largest […]