Wednesday, March 9th at 7 p.m. via Zoom: “Historic and Modern Use of Native Plants” with Alex Mares

Join Alex Mares, park ranger at Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park, for his presentation, “Historic and Modern Use of Native Plants.”

Alex Mares, of Dine and Mexican-American Heritage, is a thirty-two-year Park Ranger Interpreter with both Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and New Mexico State Parks. Alex was raised with, studied, and used both native and non-native plants. He has contributed to literature pertaining to the effects of global warming and other human impacts on the natural environment.

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2022-03-09 19:00 2022-03-09 20:30 America/Denver Wednesday, March 9th at 7 p.m. via Zoom: “Historic and Modern Use of Native Plants” with Alex Mares

Join Alex Mares, park ranger at Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park, for his presentation, “Historic and Modern Use of Native Plants.” Alex Mares, of Dine and Mexican-American Heritage, is a thirty-two-year Park Ranger Interpreter with both Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and New Mexico State Parks. Alex was raised with, studied, and used both native and […]