Join Alex Mares, park ranger at Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park, for his presentation, “Historic and Modern Use of Native Plants.”
Alex Mares, of Dine and Mexican-American Heritage, is a thirty-two-year Park Ranger Interpreter with both Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and New Mexico State Parks. Alex was raised with, studied, and used both native and non-native plants. He has contributed to literature pertaining to the effects of global warming and other human impacts on the natural environment.
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Join Alex Mares, park ranger at Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park, for his presentation, “Historic and Modern Use of Native Plants.” Alex Mares, of Dine and Mexican-American Heritage, is a thirty-two-year Park Ranger Interpreter with both Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and New Mexico State Parks. Alex was raised with, studied, and used both native and […]