Breeding or Migrating? A Monarch Butterfly Workshop for Southern New Mexico and West Texas

March 10, 2018 | 8a – 4pm

SPACE IS LIMITED. To reserve your place, or to ask questions, please RSVP to Steve Cary here:

Join us for a FREE workshop dedicated to Monarchs as we increase our awareness and understanding, and learn how we can participate in citizen science to help this beautiful and important butterfly. What does this have to do with native plants?  Monarchs NEED Milkweed to survive.  Learn about Monarch migration, breeding habits, habitat, milkweed species to plant in New Mexico, and how to cultivate them.

The morning showcases interactive presentations by knowledgeable experts regarding biology, ecology and geography of Monarchs and their host Milkweeds in the Southwest. Following lunch, workshop participants relocate a short distance to explore a local Monarch breeding area and to plant more native milkweeds and nectar plants to enhance future monarch reproduction there.

  • Highlighted speakers include:
  • Gail Morris, perhaps the most knowledgeable person in the Southwest concerning Monarch biology and ecology.
  • Megan Goyette, researching Monarchs at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
  • Patrick Alexander, one of the region’s native plant gurus.
  • Steve Cary, New Mexico’s Butterfly Guy

Mid-morning refreshments will be provided. Lunch will be on your own . . . a sack lunch is recommended.

Brought to you by:

–Native Plant Society of New Mexico
–U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
–Southwest Monarch Study
–Institute for Applied Ecology
–Natural Resource Institute
–U.S. Bureau of Land Management
–New Mexico State Parks