The Conservation Committee supports the mission of the Native Plant Society of New Mexico by monitoring issues affecting the status of native plants and natural habitats and informing and educating the board and general membership about these issues. The committee advocates for actions based on scientific principles that conserve native plant biodiversity, promote appropriate use of native plants to conserve water, land, and wildlife, and that foster connections between people and plants.

Guidelines: Advocacy includes, but is not limited to, endorsements, statements, research, and conservation activities. Advocacy requires that we understand, use, and extend the best scientific knowledge available to support decisions related to native plant conservation. The committee endeavors to work collaboratively with other agencies to accomplish its conservation goals.

The Conservation Committee includes members from several NPSNM chapters and is headed by the current conservation chair, Sylvan Kaufman. Are there conservation issues in your area? She can be reached at conservation [at] npsnm [dot] org.

This Conservation page endeavors to supply members and others with information on issues pertaining to the conservation of native plants and habitats on public and private lands in New Mexico and beyond. Entries in green below are clickable links.

You can help protect New Mexico’s flora by contributing to The Jack and Martha Carter Conservation Fund. We are a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.

NM Forestry Seedling Program

Since 1960, the Forestry Division has offered low-cost seedlings to landowners to plant for reforestation, erosion control, windbreaks, streambank restoration, and wildlife habitat improvement. Millions of trees have been planted throughout New Mexico that were purchased directly through this program. 

The Forestry Division offers more than sixty different species for sale over the course of the fall and spring sales. These seedlings are sold in small containers, large containers, and/or bare root. Not all species are available in all types.  Large containers and bare root are more limited in the species available. You most own an acre or more of land to purchase the seedlings.

Find more information and the schedule through this Link.

A Growing Awareness: Conservation of Native Plants is Essential to our Future Wellbeing

Conservation Sites/Databases

Native Plant Society of the United States

An alliance of native plant societies — including NPSNM — with the mission to promote the conservation of native plants and their habitats through collaboration, education, and advocacy. Sign up for the NPCC native plant conservation news right here.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in New Mexico

Articles and References

Global Assessment Report Summary — May, 2019 from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services